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Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 Review
Welcome to our CHEATfactor Game Review of Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2. We review the game and then factor in how the available cheats affect the overall game experience.

Reviewed on: PC
Developer: Rebellion
Publisher: Rebellion
Rated: "M" for Mature

CHEATfactor Game Review
by Joe Sinicki
Presentation 5/10 
The original Nazi Zombie Army came out less than a year ago and little has changed. Take the original strategic shooter and thrown on some dark brown and gray overtones to make it all moody and zombie-like.
Gameplay 5/10 
Less of a full-fledged sequel and more of an expansion, Nazi Zombie Army 2 is more of what made the original a surprisingly addictive and fun shooting diversion.
Lasting Appeal 4/10 
Missions in Nazi Zombie Army 2 play out nearly exactly the same as the one before it; defend your position from a growing zombie horde, whether it be from the use of sniper techniques or a heavy amount of gunfire.
Overall 5/10 
Fans of the original will like the extra content but this is not a sequel, it's a rehash of ideas that's more of an expansion than anything else. There's some fun to be had here but it's fun you've had before.
CHEATfactor 8/10 

I'm not sure what's more impressive, that a game with the mouth-full title of Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army exists or that it got a sequel. Well, to be fair Nazi Zombie Army 2 isn't really a sequel regardless of what it's billed as. More of a glorified expansion than anything else, Rebellion's sequel takes the ideas put forth in the original Sniper Elite series and it's zombified cousin...and just adds more of them. The game does little in terms of new ideas and even less in terms of fixing what was wrong with the first game. Fans of the original game will find bits of fun here, but it will all feel almost too familiar in the end.

"...satisfying to watch the bullet penetrate your target..."


The concept behind Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army is simple, defend your position from a series of undead Nazis by any means necessary. Most times this requires you to keep a steady hand with a series of modified sniper riffles; picking off members of the undead with precision and finesse. For what it's worth, the formula still works and much like the original Sniper Elite series, it's a lot of fun to find the perfect shot and satisfying to watch the bullet penetrate your target (which is made all the better with Sniper Elite's cool execution animations).

The problem though is that with Zombie Nazi Army 2, much like it's predecessor, Rebellion Games doesn't get what makes zombies such an interesting enemy, or at least how to make them work for their game. Zombies work best in gigantic groups, in hordes that overwhelm you, and when you're picking them off at a distance, there's not much challenge even on the highest difficulty since they're slow and shambling and don't employ strategy like they're alive cousins in the Sniper Elite series proper. Eventually, your position will get overrun by zombies and you'll have machine guns and shotguns to attempt to fend them off but the game also loses the appeal of what it's supposed to be. It's less of a strategic shooter and more of a third-person action game, and a pretty terrible one at that.

"...making this a dull and frustrating experience"


Maybe the problem is in how the game is billed. Make no mistake about it, this is not a sequel. This is a built up expansion that does little more than add a few extra maps, weapons and tweaks. These extras are fun, but almost none of the issues with the original game have been addressed, making this a dull and frustrating experience that is sure to leave you wanting more.

Even visually, Nazi Zombie Army 2 is strikingly similar to its predecessor. Take the engine from the Sniper Elite series and throw some fog and grayish brown undertones on the whole thing and there you have the Zombie Army games. There are some cool animations here and there, especially when your plan goes perfectly and you take out your undead enemies with your wonderful toys, but they're all animations that were used in the last game.

Though Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 has some interesting tricks up its sleeve, they're tricks you've all seen before and there's nothing really new or novel here. Fans of the original will like the extra content but this is not a sequel, it's a rehash of ideas that's more of an expansion than anything else. There's some fun to be had here but it's fun you've had before.

CHEATS USED: Calm Heartbeat, Unlock All Missions, No Windspeed, more

My absolute favorite cheat from the trainer for Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 is the ability to slow down your heartbeat whenever you want, it makes it so much easier to take out enemies and even plan out attacks that much better. There's also the unlock all missions cheat, which you don't really see in a lot of games lately and was almost refreshing.

There aren't a ton of cheats available in the trainer, but the ones that are here are a wonderful addition to the game experience.