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Deadly Premonition: The Director´s Cut Review
Welcome to our CHEATfactor Game Review of Deadly Premonition: The Director´s Cut. We review the game and then factor in how the available cheats affect the overall game experience.

Reviewed on: PC
Developer: Access Games
Publisher: Rising Star Games
Rated: "M" for Mature

CHEATfactor Game Review
by Joe Sinicki
Presentation 6/10 
If you believe the back of the box, Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut has received an HD upgrade from its original release but it's barely noticeable except for in a few moments in the game.
Gameplay 6/10 
You're probably looking at that number for gameplay and thinking that Deadly Premonition may not be worth playing, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Lasting Appeal 7/10 
The Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut offers new DLC and an extended ending from its original 2010 release, but once you're finished with the game, you're likely to not want to jump back in.
Overall 6/10 
Deadly Premonition is the gaming equivalent of a movie so bad that it's a must-play. It's quirky, strange and even sometimes even downright bad - but you're still going to want to finish it.
CHEATfactor 8/10 

Every few years, a game comes around that changes thing. It makes people stop, take notice and say - almost in unison "What the hell?" Deadly Premonition is that game. Its incredibly odd, features some terrible game design choices and you're bound to question a few life choices after finishing it, but you're still going to want to play it because this is one hell of an experience. With it's new DLC and extended ending, the newly released Director's Cut is the definitive version of the game and even if it is one of the strangest experiences you'll have, it's one you need to have.

"... a third-person action murder mystery game."


Without playing it, it's tough to explain just what type of game Deadly Premonition really is, but here goes - it's a third-person action murder mystery game. That may sound pretty generic, but Deadly Premonition is anything but. The story follows a young but ambitious detective by the name of York as he tries to solve a murder mystery in the town of Greenvale. While York is the game's protagonist, the real stars of the game are the citizens of the town and the the way that they help unravel the mystery of Greenvale.

When playing Deadly Premonition, it's important to keep an open-mind as this is unlike any other game you've played before and your first instinct will be to turn the game off, but stick with it, it's worth the pain (sort of). The game is one part strange-horror experience and another weird experiment in just what a game can be. One minute you're shooting a dead girl who walks with her torso completely twisted and the next you're spying on another detective while he eats dinner with his wife…for no apparent reason. Deadly Premonition is, by definition an open-world game, but the choices it let's you make are so bizarre and interesting that you're going to wonder what's around the next corner, and that's part of what makes this game so interesting.

"...enough twists and turns here to keep you interested..."


To be fair, Deadly Premonition's story is a rather interesting one. It may not make sense half the time, but there's enough twists and turns here to keep you interested throughout the experience. It's here that the game's quirky nature plays well into the game's strengths. You're often unsure of whether the developers are doing a great or terrible job balancing the story and the absurd story beats, but either way, you don't want to put it down.

Be warned though, even with its HD remake, Deadly Premonition is easily one of the worst looking games of this generation. Character models often look bulky and unnatural, and this game has to set a record for most glitches in a single experience - but the key here is that they're all the type that people make videos of and put on Youtube because they're that hard to believe that they somehow add to the game's experience.

Deadly Premonition is the gaming equivalent of a movie so bad that it's a must-play. It's quirky, strange and even sometimes even downright bad - but you're still going to want to finish it. Deadly Premonition isn't a great game, it's not even a good game, but it is one of the most interesting games of this generation. Go out and play this, the definitive version of the strangest game you'll ever play.

CHEATS USED: Never Hungry, Never Tired, Unlimited Ammo, more
One of the most interesting features of Deadly Premonition is how your character needs to eat and sleep to stay sane. In true strange fashion, the trainer from Cheat Happens allows good ole' Detective York to skip even the most basic of functions and allows you to never be hungry or tired. The trainer also allows you to have unlimited features for your weapons such as durability and ammo.