Trainer Battle
Depth Review
Welcome to our CHEATfactor Game Review of Depth. We review the game and then factor in how the available cheats affect the overall game experience.

Reviewed on: PC
Developer: Digital Confectioners
Publisher: Digital Confectioners
Rated: "RP" for Rating Pending

CHEATfactor Game Review
by Joe Sinicki
Presentation 6/10 
Whether splashing through the waters as a shark or a diver, the game is full of eerie sounds and tones that keep you on your toes and looking for threats all around you.
Gameplay 7/10 
There's a strange sense of reward to be found with hunting and devouring your friends, especially later in the game when you've unlocked a ton of cool abilities for each side.
Lasting Appeal 4/10 
There's a strong sense of progression for both divers and sharks in Depth, as you'll unlock new weapons and abilities to hunt your prey.
Overall 6/10 
While the game is a lot of fun to play, especially with a dedicated group of friends, there's simply not enough content here to recommend a purchase. There is hope though, if a dedicated community rises up for Depth, this is a game ripe for some great user created content to give it a second life.
CHEATfactor 6/10 

You know that game that everyone is excited about? The one that pits a small group of hunters against a giant beast that can kill them with little to no effort and players can choose to play as either hunter or beast? Well, Evolve got delayed - so here's Depth and you might be surprised how much you're going to like it., so much so that you're going to wish there was more content when you reach the game's top levels quickly.

Like Evolve, Depth features a pretty simple premise. Play as either hunter or beast in a game of shark VS diver. The divers can use tools and weapons to try to attract and outthink the shark but the shark can…well, he can east people. It's a mechanic that doesn't require much explanation but it's pulled off remarkably well and can be a surprisingly fun experience if you get the right people playing together.

"...survive with your treasure and unlock more firepower and tools."


Playing as one of the human divers, your goal is to collect as much treasure as possible while avoiding the terrors of the deep. You can work together with your other divers to strategize and plan for your attackers, and you'll also have access to tools and weapons that can be deadly to the sharks. The tradeoff is pretty simple, survive with your treasure and unlock more firepower and tools. Netguns and automatic weapons are great but you'll find yourself sticking mostly to the mines and alarm beacons that can make all the difference when being pursued by sharks.

On the flip side, playing as the shark is a remarkably different experience. You swap out the ability to strategize (sharks can't talk, at least not outside of my dreams) but you gain the ability to move incredibly fast in open water and you'll be able to hunt your prey much easier thanks to the sharks naturally abilities, showcased by a glowing aura around them. Being successful as the shark allows you to grow into a stronger predator and unlock new attacks and techniques to hunt your opponents with.

"...much more satisfying when you play as the shark versus the humans."


Depth is much more satisfying when you play as the shark versus the humans. Similar to games like Alien VS Predator and Left 4 Dead, devouring humans, be they friends, random players or bots is extremely rewarding and fun. It takes a lot more practice to get used to the controls as the beast as playing as a human is much like playing any other multiplayer shooter game. Those wanting a challenge will want to give playing as a shark a chance, especially so you can enjoy the fantastic sound design without having fear of what's behind you at any given moment.

As fun as Depth can be though, it's an experience that doesn't last nearly as ling as it should. With only a few maps and even less game modes, Depth is an incredibly thin package and grows old very quickly. There is still hope for the game as it's practically begging for a dedicated community to come out in support of it and make mods that really add to the game's life. I'll take sharks with lasers on their heads please, your move community.

I found myself much more entertained with Depth than I thought I would be, at least at first. While the game is a lot of fun to play, especially with a dedicated group of friends, there's simply not enough content here to recommend a purchase. There is hope though, if a dedicated community rises up for Depth, this is a game ripe for some great user created content to give it a second life.

CHEATS USED: Unlimited Health, Easy Kills, Shark Points, more

Much like Depth itself, the trainer for the game from Cheat Happens is a thin package, but adds a ton of fun thanks to options like unlimited kills and unlimited health. If you like playing as a diver you'll like the option to unlock money for upgrades and gear easily.

Stick with Cheat Happens for more on Depth!